Become 500 Hour 
Yoga Alliance Certified
Begin the journey today!
If you are a 200 or 300 Hour Hatha Yoga Certified Teacher, you can start the journey today to become 500 Hour Yoga Alliance certified.
(Scroll down for application forms and process checklists)
Welcome to Yoga for Today’s 500 hour certification
This program works in accordance with the Yoga Alliance curriculum. If you are a Yoga For Today 200 Hour certified or 200 Hour certified with another school and would like to work towards your 500 Hour certification, this 300 Hour program is for you!!! Questions? Contact at: or . ( We can adjust the curriculum to accommodate 300 Hour certified instructors as well!)
Breakdown of the program -
*135 hours required in core programs For certification 135 hours must be taken with these lead instructors: Marla Ericksen, Glenda Sartore, Robin Golt, Judith Lasater, Chris Erdmann-Boyko, Fiona Stang, Kate Potter and Marla Erickson
*90 hours required in core topics
25 hours may include but not be limited to: asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation and other traditional yoga techniques.
30 hours may include but not be limited to Study of traditional texts such as yoga sutra’s, hatha yoga pradipika, yoga lifestyle (yama’s niyamas), understanding the value of karma, teaching yoga as a service, being of service to others through yoga.
15 hours Anatomy and Physiology
20 practicum hours with Chris Erdmann-Boyko and Teachers
*75 hours in workshop area of interest
Please Note: Recording and tracking of appropriate programs/courses etc. is the responsibility of individual registrants
– Application Process for 200 Hour Yoga Alliance Certified Students: CLICK HERE
Application Forms:
– Yoga for Today Registration Form:CLICK HERE
Application processes may vary depending on certification background.
Note: Students from the past 10 years who received Yoga for Today Teacher Training Certificates- Yoga Alliance certification is required before beginning the 500 Hour Yoga Alliance certification process. Receiving Yoga Alliance Certification is easy- all you need is a copy of your Yoga for Today certificate. Become Yoga Alliance Certified Today! See their website for application: CLICK HERE