June 12, 2022

In recognition of Gerda’s years of  dedication, and commitment to supporting and developing students and teachers through Yoga, the YfT Community has set up a Yoga Scholarship Program in Gerda’s Name.

Gerda has been instrumental in bringing yoga into the lives and hearts of Albertans through “Yoga Fits In” on Shaw TV and the “Gerda Krebs Hatha Yoga Centre”  where she’s trained countless students over the years.

On Gerda’s 91st Birthday, Karla Satchwell presented a wonderful plague in appreciation of Gerda’s years of service and dedication to the growth and continuance of Yoga as a viable vehicle for improving physical and mental health. A pioneer of Yoga for more than 50 years, Gerda has been a steadfast advocate of Yoga’s merits and by example she has expired healthy living.

Gerda continues to teach today what she loves most, a traditional style of Hatha Yoga with an expert eye for bringing out the “best” in her students.  We’re grateful for her 21 years of service @ Yoga for Today and all of the students she’s championed, celebrated and inspired throughout with her positive support.

Heart felt thanks to Karla Satchwell for bringing this Scholarship program to fruition and for her beautiful tribute.

We look forward to supporting recipients of the “Gerda’s Yoga Scholarship Award” through Yoga for Today’s Teacher Training Program beginning October, 2022.  We know future recipients will appreciate this prestigious award and collectively will ensure Gerda’s legacy lives on.  Because of you, Yoga as a viable vehicle for health and wellness will always continue to be brought into the lives and hearts of Albertans and Canadians.

Details for Scholarship Application Below:

Submit an essay (less than 500 words) to .
Base your essay on one of the topics below and share how it personally applies to your life:

  • “He who lives content with little, posses everything”
  • “You better keep yourself clean and bright, you are the window through which you must see the world”
  • “Yoga means to be good and do good”
  • “Trying is the exercise”.  “See, I knew she could do it!”

Gerda lives each day with gratitude and her positive outlook is affirmed with the following words at the end of every class –

I am Healthy, I am Strong, I have Courage…To Survive and Live Again” (repeated 3 x w hands in prayer)

“Put an inner smile on your face and make it a good day today.  Thank you for coming to class; without you, there would be no class”

“Namaste, the good in me sees the good in all of you good people”.

From essays received and reviewed, the most heartfelt and sincere will be chosen.  Recipient will receive a $500 bursary toward YfT’s Teacher Training program , a signed “Gerda Krebs Yoga Scholarship” Certificate that honors the recipient’s intention to uphold Gerda’s personal values, cherished contributions, and lifelong commitment to Yoga. As well, each year, the chosen Recipient will have their name added to the “Gerda Krebs Scholarship” Plaque held at Yoga for Today.

A big Thank You  to 2022 Donors:  Karla Satchwell (And Creator of this Prestigious Award)  / Marie Narine / Shanti Singh / Tracey Chase / Maureen Gough / Val McMillan / Kim Thompson / Margaret McGillivray / Chris E-B, Yoga for Today /