Bottle Drive

Make a difference abroad, make a difference at home… there really is enough to go around.  Even though Christmas is over, Pat Dobberthein, our Massage Therapist and Sivananda Yoga Instructor has been likened to “Santa Claus” more than once and for very good reason.  For the past 6 years Pat has collected bottles from friends, relatives, acquaintances, whoever he can so he can make a difference in the world.  For Pat it’s been a humbling and rewarding experience to stack his car with as many bottles as he can fit in, drive to the inner city, wait and watch until he sees those who are in real need of help and hand out a bag or two of bottles.  It sounds like a little thing, but for some this simple gesture has meant a lot….the gesture, the bit of help when least expected and Pat’s kind ear that willingly listens to their story.  Pat’s gesture is so touching we’ve decided to get involved by bringing this to your attention and asking you for your bottle donations to Yoga for Today.  As you know, we’re not a bottle depot, so for things to work out well, if we could receive only clean/washed out bottles properly bagged and sealed tight.  During the week of Feb. 13 (Mon.-Sat) bring your bottles on the way to class.  Come through the east entrance doors and place your bottles downstairs along the south wall (from the window side to the mail box area) and Pat will come and collect each day. We’re hoping for success and for clean, sealed and tight bags.  Little things mean a lot, and we can be the difference that counts.

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