Sattva Yoga

Sattva Yoga is an incredibly dynamic practice that unlocks the body by meeting the practitioner exactly where they are at. Suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners alike, the practice places importance on the combined and balanced use of the body, breath, and mind. During the 90 minute class, practitioners explore asana (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques) and dhyana (meditation). Alignment of the body is experienced through use of the spiraled Integrated Action Lines, opening up a dialogue with the body so that practitioners begin to cultivate the ability to feel and correct their own alignment.

Each month a new sequence is brought forward for practitioners to explore, experiencing the postures from the perspective of the Front Body, Back Body, Side Body, or Strength Body lines. These sequences are combined into a 4 month theme which return once again to the Front Body with another new sequence and theme. This empowers practitioners to notice their growth while regularly refreshing the sequence, allowing an opportunity to experience both new and familiar postures from a completely new perspective from month to month.