Farewell Message from Chris Beaudette-Hodsman

Until we meet again….

I write now as I travel across the majestic Canadian Shield north of Lake Superior: windswept black spruce on a landscape checkered with igneous rock and clear water, all against blue Ontario sky.

As I leave for my new beginning in eastern Ontario, I ponder the what lies ahead and what lies behind me, and feel great gratitude for, among my many blessings,  Yoga for Today.  This studio is much more than a business, and more that a yoga studio: it truly is a community, a sanga on a path towards a deepened life lived on earth. Community is born of right intent, compassionate and thoughtful action, and, yes, struggle and work, on the part of all its members. I am sure every one of you receives something from Yoga for Today, but in case it has not occurred to you, I wish to tell you all that you also have contributed to Yoga for Today as well, by bringing to the community the best of who you are. So I wish to honour and thank you all for bringing your best selves to the mat which has been a gift to me.

I expect most teachers of yoga will tell you they receive more from teaching than they give. This may sound like a platitude to someone who is not a yoga instructor, but let me share from the heart that this really has been true for me as I have taught at YfT.  Indeed, there really is no such thing as a yoga teacher, since a teacher is just  a student of yoga who has made it a few steps further down the path.  From the community at Yoga for Today this “teacher/student” has received welcome, and acceptance and an openness from fellow students to expand the practice just a little: to explore the deeper meaning of this rich and time honoured array of practices.  I have also enjoyed many acquaintances and friendships that have deepened over time, and I cherish every one of you who are gifts to the world. You can only guess what it has meant to this man to be able to publicly open his heart and share it with others without fear of rejection or ridicule. To safely share vision, sorrow, and joy together is what community is all about.

So I leave for Ontario with hope and optimism, as well as sadness for the community I leave behind.  Yoga for Today has become a part of who I am and I carry you all in my heart as I go. With 3 children still living in Alberta, I can safely say that, baring sudden death, I will be back. And so to all of you I offer a loving good-bye and look forward to those special days when we meet again.

Chris Beaudette-Hodsman

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