Meet Our Instructor: Jill Gaumont

Jill has been teaching at Yoga for Today for the past 8 years. We appreciate Jill and the passion, love and inspiration she brings to her classes, no matter the style of yoga. Please read more as Jill shares her yoga story with you:

AllisonSmithPhotography3601Like most children who grew up in the greater Edmonton area, I had my first taste of yoga watching and imitating Gerda Krebs on T.V. But it wasn’t until 1999 when I moved to Fort Saskatchewan that I really began my yoga journey.  Growing up in St. Albert I had never heard of a “yoga class” or met a “yoga teacher” but low and behold in this small city there was an abundance of yoga classes and my first and most influential teacher. From the very first class with Joan Randolf I was inspired. And interestingly enough from my very first class I also found myself pregnant for the first time! At the time, there was no such thing as prenatal yoga in our area. So, I went to class did the best I could with the body I had and it changed my life.

Shortly after the birth of my second child I began taking the Hatha Yoga teacher training at Yoga for Today and was part of the second graduating class. I was given the opportunity to find my place among the many wonderful teachers who share their yoga here.

Somewhere along the line Melanie Checknita and Gillian Guerts brought Ashtanga to Sherwood Park, and I thought it was the most horrifying yoga experience. (Really, I did)  It was too hard, too competitive and I was NOT strong enough for the practice and never would be. Fortunately, at that time Mark Darby was coming for the weekend, and I needed an international workshop to complete my certification. After a very intense 12 hours crammed in the small room with 24 other people again I was inspired!!  Hatha yoga taught me that I could be calm, patient and flexible – Ashtanga yoga taught me that I could be all of that and STRONG.  From that moment on I have endeavored to share a little bit of what I know about the beautiful practice that is Ashtanga.

Over 12 years have gone by since I began this practice and I have had the privileged to study and share this journey with many wonderful teachers and students.

My practice and teaching has changed and continues to change because every single day I bring a different body and mind to the mat.  The breath has become my inspiration, because as long as I am breathing I am doing more right than wrong.

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