Laara Delain

Laara (DevAtma) is new to Alberta from her home in Vancouver. She will always be a WestCoast girl at heart. Laara loves the outdoors and is an avid motorcycle enthusiast. She a Registered Massage Therapist and is also certified to teach Healthy Breast Yoga for Breast Cancer prevention and recovery. Laara has also been a Life Skills Coach for the past twenty years specializing in the model of Psychology of Vision Steps to Leadership training.

Laara’s first Kundalini Yoga class was in 1992 and it immediately sang to her soul with her body moving in yogic postures to her breath, the mantra resonated deep in her consciousness and the pranayam (breath) allowed her to relax into her authentic self. She became a teacher only a few short years later and has been teaching since. Laara had the blessing of being a personal student of the Master of Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan for two years living in New Mexico and traveling the world with him. The teachings and the yoga carved her being and she is forever grateful. Laara’s classes are open to all from beginners to experienced yogis.

Laara is a certified teacher with 3HO’s IKYTA.

Experience Kundalini Yoga and expand your awareness of YOU!

‘Your Mind is your servant, your Body is your vehicle and your Soul is your residence.’ ~ Yogi Bhajan