Tara Woltjen

Tara is an internationally certified Yoga Instructor whose practice has taken her around the globe, across Canada, India, and the Bahamas. She dedicates time each year to serving in a traditional ashram surrounded by modern masters of Yoga.
Tara has advanced certification in Raja Yoga and the Bhagavad Gita. She chants the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by heart, and plays an exotic Indian instrument called a Shruti Box, which facilitates relaxation, concentration, and subtle vibrational realignments in the chakras and channels for health and happiness.
Tara’s enthusiasm for Yoga is infectious. Her classes are adapted to all levels, encouraging each student to practice according to their own inner wisdom.
She has been sharing the origin, history and basic philosophy of Yoga for more than ten years in Yoga Alliance recognized Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Programs.