Hypnotherapy with Healing Libra, at YfT

It’s a New Year, and you know what that means…..New Year, New You!! Maybe your intention or resolution is to loose a few pounds, or to quit smoking!

Did you know you can use Hypnotherapy to help with weight management and to quit smoking??

With my weight management program, through Hypnosis, you will feel drawn to healthier foods, feel satisfied with eating less and avoid eating junk food or sweets. You will be motivated to move your body and increase your fitness (or whatever works for you and your body), you will find your mood, confidence and self-esteem will increase, to help you avoid emotional eating. Program consists of 5 sessions and results vary on your progress.

With my smoking cessation program, you will work through cravings, triggers, coping skills, empowerment and self-care. Hypnosis is a relaxing experience which is helpful for cravings, side effects of quitting smoking. The goal is to weaken your desire to smoke and to ensure you are aware of anytime you choose to smoke – remember you are making the conscious choice to smoke or not. Program consists of 3 sessions and results vary on your progress.

If you have any questions or want to find out more please go to my website and book your session here The Healing Libra

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Kim Frasers Bio and Book Information

The Accidental Caregiver: Wisdom and Guidance for the Unexpected Challenges of Family Caregiving with Kim Fraser, YfT longtime student and newly published author

About Kim:

A nursing professor, Dr. Kimberly Fraser is also an author and a champion for family caregiving. She has used innovative and arts-based approaches in her applied research on family caregiving, home care, case management, and related health policy. She has extensive clinical practice and leadership in home care, community health, and outpost nursing. A nurse entrepreneur, Kim owned several businesses including a large home health care company with her husband Don for years. Beyond her academic career, Kim is the current Past-President with Caregivers Alberta and board member with the Alberta Writer’s Guild. Kim leads a variety of interactive workshops on the writing life, creative visioning, among other topics. When not practicing or teaching yoga she hangs out in her studio writing, making jewelry, fibre arts, and restyled wearable art mostly from denim, her favorite fabric.

About the Book:

In this timely and urgently needed book, Kim gives readers sound, practical advice on how to meet with humanity and optimism the bewildering array of challenges facing caregivers.  Where to find help, how to navigate a confusing healthcare system, how to deal with constant demands, how to keep one’s own life from being overwhelmed by new responsibilities. Based on personal experience, prodigious research, and extensive interviews, The Accidental Caregiver is an invaluable resource for everyone concerned for vulnerable people in their lives and communities.

Books are available for purchase from: Sutherland House Books or purchase directly from Kim here at Yoga for Today

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Meet Shelly, The Healing Libra!

Hello loves, my name is Shelly Greenlaw also known as The Healing Libra!

For those who don’t know me, I am an Energy Healer working out of Yoga for Today. I love working with energy and helping people take a different approach to inner healing, physically and emotionally. I use a variety of healing modalities and tools including Reiki, crystals, sound therapy (singing bowls, tuning forks), tarot cards and more! I work with Spirit & Animal Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, Light Beings to provide you with the best healing session possible. However, I am so pleased to announce, I am adding another amazing  healing modality to my services!

 I am a Certified Hypnotherapist!

Hypnotherapy, what does this mean exactly?

Well, hypnosis is a safe and natural trance state to bring a person into a very relaxed state of consciousnesses where the subconscious level of the mind is in a state of suggestibility. These suggestions (that you allow me to put in place with the  intention you wish to work on) are received by your subconscious mind  while you are in a relaxed state (like a guided meditation); helping to let go of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are no longer serving you.  Clients are completely aware and awake during the session and I, as your therapist, would be guiding you through the process of change.

This modality has been a calling for me for a few years now and am thrilled to further assist my clients and new ones too.

 For the month of November, I am offering a promotion for hypnotherapy. For your initial consultation, it will only be $50! If you have any questions please reach out or go to my website under “Hypnotherapy” for more information and how it might be a fit for you!

With gratitude,


Interview with Tiffany Sparrow

Name:  Tiffany Sparrow (Brulotte)

Where were you born:  Peace River Alberta

Education/Certifications:  Certified music therapist counselling therapist (BMT, RCT, MTA), Master of Arts in Ethnomusicology (MA the study of music and culture), Yoga teacher 500 ERYT, Reiki practitioner

Immediate family whom you live with (partner, child, pets):  Partner Jean Francois, baby Raphael and kitty Pema

Highlight/s of your career: Recording in India. Playing and singing with Shimshai. Touring with Dave Stringer (kirtan artist). Playing spirit fests in Bali, Australia and Hawaii.

Fun fact about you:  I lived like a nomad for 4 years as I travelled the world.  Literally lived out of my MEC rucksack.

Do you have hobbies/interests outside of music: I love dancing though I don’t do it much these days. Ceiligh dancing was a favourite of mine when I was in university. I also love visual art though again haven’t really done much with that.  Travelling to new towns to feel the vibe is fun.

When did your music start and where:  In utero? I was lucky to grow up in a family that sang and loved music. My mom sang in community theatre – she was pregnant with me when she was Wendy in Peter Pan. We also sang and played as a family in church and her brothers were entertainers. My granny also played piano and sang for all kinds of events back in the day.  My first instrument was a violin which I started at 4 years old. We still have that tiny violin. I only studied for a year or so but I wish I’d continued!

What instrument is your favourite to play and why:  Ohhhh that’s a tough one. I guess I would have to say my new Ibanez hollow body becase it has an old soul and its lived a life (I got it second hand and its neck was cracked). It sounds good acoustic as well as plugged in.

What do you like most about playing music:  Oh boy. So much. Getting to create beauty and art out of different situations and life experiences, even difficult and painful ones. Sometimes these can make for the most expressive and touching music.  I also love expressing myself in music. I find it easier to improvise with music than with talking or words! I also love how it makes people feel and that I can help people feel better

Describe your favourite venue for performing:  House concerts! They are intimate, friendly, cozy, low key and real. I’m not separated from the audience by a stage and lights and I feel I can really interact, ‘talk’ with my audience and tell the story of the music. They bring people together and I love it when people sing along and I can actually hear them! I’m always game to play in new homes so hit me up if you’re interested 😉 Do you get performance anxiety:  Yes …. and not always.  So sometimes?! In yoga venues, usually I don’t but in bigger venues I often feel nervous and anxious to not make a ‘mistake’. LOL I don’t get nervous like I used to though. Actually, my stage fright used to be pretty severe.  I used to literally shake when I had to do a solo on my oboe in high school band for example. Now I know more about how to harness the emotions and energy and use it. But yes, I still get nervous.

Do you follow a process or ritual before a performance: Not really. I do try to remind myself to enjoy myself because that’s key. If I’m not enjoying, what’s the point?!  I also don’t eat big meals before singing because that can make singing harder.

Who are your musical inspirations:  The Beatles. Shimshai. Sarah McLachlan. Ani Difranco. Niranjan Kaur. Snatam Kaur. Deva Premal. Tina Malia. U2. Coldplay. Pearl Jam.

What musician would you like to collaborate with:  Any of the above? lol I love collaborating and am looking for an awesome collaborator!

Thoughts on the Yoga for Today community:  What a welcoming lovely group of people! I feel embraced by the community and by Chris and all the people who help keep YFT running! I have so enjoyed offering soundbaths, kirtan and teaching at the studio. I also have a lot of respect for the quality of teachers that come through the studio and the number of senior teachers with depth practices offered there. We’re quite lucky to have the place as a hub in the greater Edmonton area.

I’m buying, where are we going for brunch:  You’re also going to have to pick the place too because between baby and covid, I haven’t been out in 3 years! LOL. Unless we can go to the Yoga Barn in Bali?

Future plans include:  Music: I released 2 albums of original songs during covid that have yet to be toured so I hope to do a Western Canadian tour and possibly a Quebec/Ontario tour… any beyond? Maybe to Costa Rica, Mexico, Hawaii (I have a few friends there).  I’m also launching a couple of group programs in 2023 – a Shamanic immersion to help you Love your Body and Eat in Peace as well as a Sound Therapy Practitioner Training.

Thank You to Mina Stauber for Sharing her Yoga Story With Us

If Yoga for Today and/or a special Teacher(s) changed your life, please share your story with us.  We’d love to share with the community.   

Thank you to Mina Stauber for her recent inspirational email.  Mina poignantly shares how one special Teacher was a beacon of hope in her darkest moments and fueled her healing.

“He who lives content with little, posses everything”

“Put an inner smile on your face and make it a good day today.

Thank you for coming to class; without you, there would be no class”

Who Gerda is to me;

When I was a little girl, my mother and I would watch Cynthia Kereluk‘s exercise show ‘Everyday Workout’ and immediately after that, we would watch Gerda Kerbs’ yoga ‘Yoga Fits In’. I was so struck by her grace. Her voice like my own family’s familiar German accent. It was comforting to me and she enticed me to try all the poses. She was just so amazing to me. I was born an unwell child. So many health complications and my body wasn’t a ‘nice’ shape. I was chubby and sluggish. Because of that I was bullied badly and Gerda made me feel like I had a chance to change all that. Despite I couldn’t flow into a back bend like she could, perhaps if I were patient and ‘just try, do what you can’ like she would encourage me to… maybe I could at least do a little bit. I could be a little bit better.

My life took many many wrong turns. Unfortunately I have not lived with good fortune. Gerda’s beautiful voice never left my mind and I ended up leaning on yoga. I went to Vancouver for a yoga teacher training and earned a 500 hour certification. I opened a yoga studio there of my own and life seemed to finally be going in an upward direction. The winds of misfortune blew on me again and I lost everything.  I ended up in a terrible accident that landed me in a wheelchair and had to close my business and move back to Edmonton. Gerda’s words “He who lives content with little, posses
everything” rang loudly. I was very grateful that I had my family to lean on. Although I had no money, no business and no way of moving my body, I had a beautiful son, incredible friends and a support system around me. Most of all I had fire in my heart. I tenaciously worked and pushed and refused to live in that chair. I managed to repair my body and I got myself to move again. Today I still teach a few yoga classes in small community leagues in Edmonton and privately.

My favourite thing to say the end of my classes is an adaptation of what Gerda used to say; “Put an inner smile on your face and make it a good day today. Thank you for coming to class; without you, there would be no class” And I word it like this; “I’m so grateful you came to practice yoga with me today. Without you beautiful people, I would be teaching the air.”

My heart is overflowing with gratitude for discovering Gerda and the practice of yoga. It has actually saved my life and fueled my healing. I know this may sound exaggerated but I sincerely would not be alive without the practice of yoga and without Gerda’s inspiration.

-Mina Stauber

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Gerda Krebs Scholarship

In recognition of Gerda’s years of  dedication, and commitment to supporting and developing students and teachers through Yoga, the YfT Community has set up a Yoga Scholarship Program in Gerda’s Name.

On Gerda’s 91st Birthday, Karla Satchwell presented a wonderful plaque in appreciation of Gerda’s years of service and dedication to the growth and continuance of Yoga for improving physical and mental health. A pioneer of Yoga for more than 50 years, Gerda has been a steadfast advocate of Yoga’s merits and by example she has expired healthy living.



We’re grateful for her 21 years of service @ Yoga for Today and all of the students Gerda’s championed, celebrated and inspired throughout with her positive support.

Heart felt thanks to Karla Satchwell for bringing this Scholarship program to fruition and for her beautiful tribute.

We look forward to supporting recipients of the “Gerda’s Yoga Scholarship Award” through Yoga for Today’s Teacher Training Program beginning October, 2022.  We know future recipients will appreciate this prestigious award and collectively will ensure Gerda’s legacy lives on.  Because of you, Yoga as a viable vehicle for health and wellness will continue to be brought into the lives and hearts of Albertans and Canadians.

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Thai Coconut Curry Noodles

A tasty recipe you may enjoy.

Sauce: 1 tbsp oil of choice / 3 green onions, chopped / 2 tsp ginger, minced / 2 tbsp red curry paste / 2 tbsp soy sauce / 1 tbsp maple syrup/ 1 can coconut milk/ juice of 1 lime

Curry Noddle Bowls: 8 ounces noodles of choice or rice noodles / 1/2 cup onion, diced / 1 cup shredded carrots / 1 cup asparagus, chopped / half of a red pepper, sliced / can add broccoli, spinach too / 1/2-1 tsp salt, pepper to taste.

Prepare noodles.  Heat oil; add onions, ginger and then stir in curry paste and cook for 1 minute. Add soy sauce, maple syrup and coconut milk.  Stir and cool for 10-15 minutes until sauce thickens.   Once sauce is ready transfer to bowl and set aside.  Add all veggies, salt and pepper into same pan and stir fry.  Pour in the sauce and squeeze the lime juice. Serve over noodles.

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Enjoy a Wonderful Smoothie Recipe provided by Shelly Greenlaw

Here’s a favorite recipe Shelly enjoys as an everyday breakfast smoothie. Thanks for sharing Shelly.

White Smoothie
1 cup of ice (can more if needed)
5 whole almonds (chopped in processor)
1 banana
1 Anjou Pear
3/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup milk (1% or almond/coconut)
1/2 tsp ginger

Blend until smooth

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June News and Events: Gerda’s Birthday!

On June 12, Gerda Krebs turned 91 years strong.  As many are aware, Gerda was instrumental in bringing yoga into the lives and hearts of Albertans over the course of her 51 teaching years.  For over a decade, Gerda faithfully shared the benefits of yoga through living rooms with “Yoga Fits In” on Shaw TV. The  “Gerda Krebs Hatha Yoga Centre” was signature in the Sherwood Park community for an amazing 31 years, providing weekly yoga classes and training hundreds of teachers.  For another 21 years, Gerda has been teaching what she loves @ YfT. A traditional style of Hatha Yoga with an expert eye for bringing out the “best” in students (thanks to Dixie for pic above of Gerda’s 3 hour training on her 91st B-Day).  It can easily be said that Gerda’s commitment is undeniable and that she’s championed, celebrated and whole heartedly encouraged more individuals than we can truly know over her years of service.

On June 18, Karla Satchwell will be presenting Gerda with a plaque acknowledging Gerda’s contributions and dedication to the growth and continuance of yoga in Alberta. Karla is an appreciative student who also set up a Scholarship program to represent Gerda’s personal values and commitment to fellowship, community and finding health through Yoga.    Karla’s intention is through this scholarship, Gerda’s legacy of “supporting developing teachers be their best” continues.  Information and details for the “Gerda Krebs Scholarship” program will soon be posted on the YfT website under Teacher Training.

For those who would like to share in Gerda’s Potluck Birthday on June 18th at Marie’s home @ 12 noon (call  780-905-3909). It will be a wonderful celebration of 91 years strong and festivities in commemoration of Gerda’s longstanding years of service that we hope you’re able to join.

Best Chocolate Pudding Recipe Ever!

Ingredients:  1 1/4 cup of diced peeled sweet potato, 1/3 cup of maple syrup, 1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, t tablespoons raw or roasted almond butter or raw cashew butter, 1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil, 1 tsp pure vanilla extract, 1/4 tsp. fine sea salt.

How to:  Steam sweet potato.  Once cooled place in food processer.  Add maple syrup.  Process until smooth.  Add the rest of the ingredients and process until smooth.


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