What is a Family Constellation Workshop?

Yoga for Today will be hosting a new workshop on May 4-6, 2012: Family Constellation, with Tim Cunninghamm of Washington. But most people don’t know whole lot about this modality. So here is a bit of information to whet your appetite:

What is a Constellation?
Constellations help you shift the way you experience your family, career, and daily practice by creating a heart map of where you stand in relation to all of the above. Working through the map reveals powerful allies and gives concrete insights for moving forward. Constellations allow you to remove the ropes that keep you tied down and re-anchor them to places that lift you up and carry you forward.

What can we explore in a constellation?
Everything you are connected to…..to all your relations……your relationship to beliefs and spiritual practice…….to your daily practice…… to your body, your health, education , direction …… any issue that has as it’s focus “your relationship to it” is a good starting point. If you are stuck…and want to re-imagine how best to move forward, constellations work very well for this focus.

How do we start a constellation?
Constellations begin with a question to explore an aspect of your relationship to family, love or work. We briefly explore the question and find the ‘hinge points’ – what is the real issue?
Physically: One way to imagine the process: We look for the cardinal points of the question/ relationship – and like a compass – we place people in the circle to see how the compass moves around the question. We look for a true north – or where does this question pull or push us towards- in other words we look for our relationship to the whole pattern that surrounds the question.
Technically- we place people to stand in for the elements of the question- and then by re-arranging their relationship to each other- the dynamic becomes clear. Solutions may vary- asking us to look deeper or to stand in our awareness until the next step becomes clearer.

Do the skills learned in a constellation circle carry over into my daily life?
Oh yes. Once you learn to see the world from inside the circle, the issues become much clearer and you get lots better at making ‘place’ for dealing with them health-fully.
Note: I said clearer, but not always easier. Heavy lifting always comes with it’s own price – and it’s always personal. But at least you are clear about that part- and you will get a strong sense of what is yours to care for……and what is not yours to carry. Deepen your heart- lighten your load. That’s my philosophical recipe for walking in this place with grace.

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