Top 10 Reason’s to Take the iRest® Yoga Nidra Training

Top 10 Reason’s to Take the iRest® Yoga Nidra Training

May 1-6, 2016

1.  Learn 10 simple steps to lead yourself and/or others through this guided, lying
down meditation & healing practice.

2.  IRest is the gold standard in Yoga Nidra and is research based.

3.  While incredibly simple in practice, the profundity of benefits is rich in terms of personal healing, insight and awakening to your inherent peace and wholeness.

4.  Research has shown iRest to effectively help with stress & trauma, anxiety &   depression, insomnia, chronic pain, and more.

5.  iRest reduces emotional reactivity while building resilience to meet life’s daily  challenges by learning how to work with challenging emotions & beliefs.

6.  iRest is a full spectrum meditation protocol that ranges from basic mindfulness and developing concentration to the end path of self-realization.

7.  iRest can be easily integrated into other therapeutic models.

8.  iRest is effectively being used in yoga studios, wellness centres, hospitals, schools, clinics, veteran settings, homeless shelters and more.

9.  iRest invokes the experience of positive emotions such as peace, joy andbliss that elicit your body’s natural hormones that reduce inflammation and pain, while enhancing immune function and well being.

10. Practitioner’s find that they are living a more authentic and inspired life that is congruent to their core values and life purpose.

If you would like to learn more about iRest Yoga Nidra:

If you would like to learn more about the iRest Yoga Nidra Level 1 Training,

May 1-6, 2018 at Yoga for Today:

If you would like to learn more about the Trainer, Anne Douglas:

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