Michelle Dionne-Nisbet

Michelle3Yoga is a part of who I am; it is hardwired into my being. I am truly a better person, physically, mentally and spiritually because of its presence in my world. I look forward to sharing what I know with others and perhaps create the spark that I felt so many years ago. As Gandhi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
I would not be where I am today without the support of my family or the guidance of my beloved teachers, Glenda Sartore, Joan Randolph, Gerta Krebs, Tara Woltjen, Rita Maltais, and Chris Erdmann-Boyko. I am forever grateful.
500 Hr Yoga For Today and Yoga Alliance Certified, Gentle and Restorative Certified, Kids Yoga Certified, Prenatal Certified, Certified Meditation Instructor and Yoga Therapist.
