Satwinder Kaur Sran

Satwinder was born in India and raised in the tradition of Eastern Meditation and Chanting since early childhood. She began training in Kundalini Yoga with her spiritual teacher, Yogi Bhajan Ph.D. in 1985. After a serious back injury in 1993, she began a period of intensive study with Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga, in New Mexico. After successfully completing a 3-week program, Satwinder was renewed and vowed to make Kundalini Yoga part of her lifestyle. For Satwinder, the daily practice of Kundalini Yoga has been instrumental in helping her experience her current well-being and health. Having been so profoundly touched through the practice of Kundalini Yoga and the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, she has felt a calling to pass on these teachings to others. “To me, Kundalini Yoga is ‘Soul Food’. We all take time to feed our physical body, and by practicing Kundalini Yoga, we feed our Soul”.
Kundalini Yoga Certified
“The entire fiber of this universe, every molecule, is alive because of love”. Yogi Bhajan