Janet Lockau

Janet’s yoga journey began several years ago, starting with a goal to “get in shape.” However, it wasn’t just the physical benefits that kept her coming back to the mat for more. Experiencing the personal rewards that Yoga offered and the desire to deepen her practice prompted her to enrol in Gerda Kreb’s Apprenticeship Program followed by the Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program at Yoga for Today under Glenda and Joan’s guidance. She firmly believes that not only is she a teacher, but a student, and she continues to be inspired by the knowledge and wisdom that senior teachers offer her through regular attendance in classes and workshops. Janet enjoys not only the physical benefits of Yoga, but appreciates the sense of peace and contentment that Yoga has brought to her life and aspires to share that with her students. Teaching Yoga complements her profession as a Registered Dietician, supporting her passion to promote overall health and well-being.
Gerda Krebs Apprenticeship Certified, Yoga for Today Certified, Yoga Association of Alberta Certified, Yin Certified, Prenatal Certified, KRI Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Certified

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