Candice Yarosh

Yoga found me 10 years ago when a friend asked me to go to a Hatha class at YFT. I had tried other types of yoga and was not really sure it was for me, but I went anyway. Jill Gaumont was teaching and all I could think the entire time was “how does she know exactly what my body needs right now… it’s like she’s reading my mind!” I have always been a very active person and the pace of Hatha was very different for me but I found myself craving the connection between mindful movement and breath. Since that time I have practiced a number of different styles of yoga, all of which have been wonderful.
As a physical education teacher to 12-18-year old students, I introduced yoga to many classes with no formal training. So, I decided to take my 200 hr YTT through YFT in 2014-15. I learned more from that training than I ever thought possible; physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I have continued to teach and practice yoga since that time and I am currently doing my RCYT300 (Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher) certification which should be completed by the end of September 2017. I’m looking forward to continuing to share yoga with my students, pursuing opportunities to learn and grow and remembering to just breathe.