Carol Daymond

Carol started her Yoga journey in 1997 with Beth McCann. Searching for release from neck, shoulder and back pain and hoping to find more energy for her teaching career, she discovered the benefits of yoga. When Carol found yoga close to home with Chris Erdman Boyko and Gerda Krebs, her path was established. Carol considered herself a better teacher, mother and person because of yoga. Gradually yoga and life were interwoven. Teaching became a natural extension of the importance of yoga and the yoga community in Carol’s life.

Completing her training at Yoga for Today in August 2009 was a milestone. Carol hopes to share the joy of yoga with her students. She feels that yoga is for everyone.
Carol’s esteemed teachers include Chris Erdman Boyko, Glenda Carline, Joan Randolph, Gerda Krebs, Angie Ackerman, Jill Gaumont and Beth McCann.