Jill Gaumont

Jill signed up for her first yoga class in 1999 after reading a fitness article about “Yoga Butt”. Half way through her first session she discovered she was pregnant! Instead of getting yoga butt, she got “mom butt”. However, in the process she discovered that there was more to the practice than just physical benefits. Through practicing yoga Jill found a little bit of peace amid the huge life change of becoming a parent. After practicing with Joan Randolph in Fort Saskatchewan for 3 years Jill decided to enroll in teacher training through Yoga For Today. Jill completed training in September 2004, and became YAA certified the following year. Around 2007 her yoga journey lead her into an Ashtanga class. Feeling that this was the practice she had been looking for, Jill enrolled in training with various Ashtanga senior teachers. Jill’s personal practice and teaching style are inspired by her teachers, including: Joan Randolph, Chris Erdmann-Boyko, Melanie Checknita, Mark Darby, Fiona Stang, Michael Stone, John Scott, Marla Erickson and Katherine Kovacs.
Yoga For Today Certified, YAA Certified, Yin Yoga Certified, Ashtanga Inspired.