Keltie Barbutza

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAKeltie first tried yoga many years ago by following Gerda Krebs on TV. Nine years ago she began classes led by Lillian Khattab in Edmonton. Summer classes brought her to Yoga for Today (YFT) and a chance to experience various yoga styles.

Keltie has noticed increased happiness, health and overall wellbeing with a regular yoga practice and strives to help others gain those feelings. Yoga brings joy to her body, mind and soul and she wants to share that experience with everyone. Keltie completed an apprenticeship with Gerda at YFT in 2009 and the Hatha Yoga Teacher Training with Glenda Sartore and Joan Randolph at YFT in January 2011. She has also attended several workshops and plans to attend many more as she follows her passion as a lifelong student and teacher of yoga.

Keltie feels blessed for all she has learned and continues to learn from her many teachers and students. She is grateful to be able to share her love of yoga with others.

Yoga for Today Certified