Robin Golt

Robin Golt

Robin Golt (ERYT-500) has been exploring yoga as a path of learning and transformation for 33 years, and teaching since 1992.

Her offerings reflect an understanding of and appreciation for the traditional roots of yoga, and for the need to make these teachings work for the contemporary, western practitioner and seeker.

Known for her skill as an asana teacher, she awakens students to new levels of understanding in the physical and subtle bodies.  Robin also possesses a unique ability to bring the wisdom and philosophical teachings of yoga to life.

As a certified Anusara Yoga teacher for 15 years, she taught many workshops and teacher trainings in that method across Canada.  Since 2012 she has been working independently.  She continues to share alignment-based, heart centred practices, including asana, meditation and study with students interested in deepening their practice and understanding.

She  is currently writing a book, “The Deepening Journey Study Guide & Workbook,” a manual that will inspire and support yoga teachers and teacher-trainers to navigate the great ocean of yoga philosophy and history.